Das geht unter die Haut || The Short Skin Story

Januar 13, 2018
This is a short story about my skin, what I've learned over the years and why it's so important to take care of yourself and especially your skin. 
What you first have to understand is that your skin is the valve to all the toxins your body gets confronted with and the waste products that it produces. I didn't know that back in the days. 

During my teen years I suffered really badly from acne and my first reaction to all the pimples and blackheads that broke out all over my body was treating it with the fanciest products available on the market. The only effect of this had been my skin becoming even more sensitive. Not that acne was enough, skin funguses started growing on my back. 

Over the last two years my skin cleared up, nearly completely. Whereas before I mainly tried to hide the problem and the only emotion I felt towards this situation was hate, I then started to except and tried to love. This was a long journey and I'm still not at the end of it. There are days when I wake up and I still feel this hate towards my own body. 
So this is more about how I love my Skin and you can too, rather than about how to treat acne or avoid break outs.

1. Little make-up 
During the time I suffered really badly from acne, Make-up was my go to way of hiding it. It wouldn't make me feel as bad about myself, at least for the three seconds I was staring in the mirror. I stopped wearing Make-up really rapidly. For a
long time it made me break out again every time I put on just a little. Recently I started wearing it again but from a completely different point of view. I just put it on when I feel like it. And by that I don't mean when I feel bad about myself, like I used to do, but when I actually feel like it would be fun. My skin is no longer breaking out from it. I can go completely Make-up free or with a full face of it and it does not change a thing about how I see myself, even when I look into the mirror. 

2. Hyaluronic acid 
Hyaluronic acid is pore refining and also helped me a lot with my acne scars.

3. Exfoliating 
Is the key if you have acne problems on your back, are striving for the most even tan, want to avoid ingrown hairs on your legs, are especially suffering from blackheads...etc. I usually use a gentle body brush every time I shower, it's also good for your blood circulation and just feels so amazing. 

Oils Since ancient times people used oils for their hygiene. Many of them like for example coconut oil aren't just nourishing to your skin but also antibacterial. I love to use those especially after I shaved and it helps so much with skin irritations. There are really different oils with different characteristics. I'll may write another post about that sooner or later. I like to use coconut oil on my body. And I would go as far, as to say that it really combined with scrubbing your skin and working out, as well as drinking enough helps to prevent cellulite. It's also just a beautiful thing to do, to oil yourself. And thank every part of your body for being there. 

5. Drink lots 
It's as easy as that. Water floods all the toxins out of your body. So make sure you are drinking lots of still water. Not coke, that wouldn't do the job. You will also feel more energized and it will also help you keep your food cravings under control, if you are struggling with that. You can add some lemon or ginger to it, just to spice it up a little bit. The best thing to do after you wake up is just drinking a cup of warm water. That will get your system going. 

6. Eat healthy 
Just try to go for the healthier option. (fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, beans) And make sure to get your greens.

7. Workout and sweat 
There is no better feeling than a good workout sweat. Get the toxins out and the strength in. 

8. Detoxifing mask 
I also like to do a detoxifying clay mask with a bit of charcoal added to it once in a while. To really pamper myself. 

9. Cleanse it the right way 
I used to go for fancy things with tons of chemicals in it. Before I found out that a simple soap actually works best for my. I especially like to use the black soap, which has charcoal in it that also detoxifies your skin gently. 

10. Love yourself 
This is what it all comes down to in the
end. No matter how bad your still breaking out after trying everything. You are a beautiful human being. And there is nothing that creates wrinkles easier than worries and
hatred. What you think you attract. 

11. Last minute help 
I'm talking about Silicea and this stuff does actually do miracles. You'll better just try it out yourself.

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